Northbound, 30,000+ feet above the Transantarctic Mountains:
So its been a while since my last posting, and in the meantime, I've traveled over 10,000 miles, experienced over a 120 degreesF in temperature changes, sampled over a 100 liters of the most pristine, ancient lake water accessible on the planet, and have learned to appreciate any additional color to white! My experience in Antarctica could be described a unique, restless, phenomenal, cold, sunny, stressful, spectacular, daunting, thrilling, most unbelievable summer of my life. The continent seems to have crashed to the pole from another planet, along with a group of inhabits with the most bizarre and intriguing life stories one could imagine...

As temperatures warmed up, I devoted most my efforts to crossing melting moat ice along the lake's shores, but I did manage to snap some photos whenever possible. Here are some photos of my last month in Antarctica:
Down on the sea ice, the view once crawling out of an ice-cave:
Its windy atop the mountain:
Summertime at Blood Falls:
The furture of space exploration, NASA's ENDURANCE Robot rests in the "MonsterHaven," awaiting its next mission:
Don't Fall in the Lake! The Hole is 10ft in diameter:
Up the Wright Valley, a geologist's dream:
My last flight -- a front seat in the Kiwi chopper (thanks Rob):
Back in the Mac, cheers to the New Year...2008 will be a hard year to beat:
I'll leave it at this, with a farewell to 77 degrees south...